We are always looking for volunteers, here are a few ways you could help us.
Breadpick ups -Local bakeries donate every day to our soup kitchens and food bank. Volunteers with transport are desperately needed to be part of a rota. So if you can provide an hour on a weekly basis please get in touch.
The Food Bank -Making up food parcels, dating and marking packaging and stock rotating.
The Soup Kitchen - Cooking, serving, washing dishes and providing a warm smile and a friendly ear to our guests. We are always looking for session supervisors who can lead a team.
Supermarket Bag Packing Day -Helping pack customers bags at local supermarkets.
Food Collection point - Why not start up a collection point at your work place, Church or group. If you can co-ordinate we will pick up!
Fundraising -Coffee mornings, sponsored events, social events and collections.
Corporate Fundraising -Either a dress down day, corporate event, choosing us as your charity of the year, food collection or donating time.
If you would like to help or would just like more information about volunteering then please go to our Get in Touch page.